Mental Duality (Physical Experiences)

Today, in this present moment, we invite you to examine what your current results are looking like. Be honest with yourself, what does your life experiences in this physical world look like? What are your goals for yourself? What changes would you like to see?

Duality is easy to observe in your everyday life, east or west, up or down, inside or outside, calm or chaos, hot or cold, happy or sad. For example, if you went too far east, you could make a U-turn and go west until you reach your desired destination or if it’s too hot outside you may come inside to cool off. Whatsoever you wish to adjust, you know how to easily make those adjustments.

At Sublime Knowledge our goal is to help you take the knowledge that you have acquired from your physical experiences in this world and apply it to the Mental Realm so that your physical reality can reflect your new Mindset.

-Article written by Alia Yasmin Khan (founder)

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