Mental Duality (Thought Process)

In the Mental Realm, we create our experiences in the physical world. Duality exists but we may not fully understand it or how it impacts our physical experiences in life. Our goal is to teach you how to become aware of the thoughts in your mind, so that you can set those thoughts up for success.

We examine the Mindset programs that you have based on your physical experiences. We analyze those thoughts and feelings to see whether or not it is in alignment with your goals. If your thoughts and feelings are not in alignment with your goals, we will create a series of affirmations customized for you to help you effectively reprogram your mind.

Affirmation + Repetition = Results

Thought + Feeling = Emotion

E-motion is energy in motion.

Affirmation + Emotion = Permanent Change

Permanent Change in the Mind brings forth successful results in achieving your goals in your everyday life.

-Article written by Alia Yasmin Khan (founder)

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