
A deeper understanding of consciousness allows us to attain our highest potential.

Conscious: to be alert, awake, aware, knowing, to be the active observer. In this process, we are using our perception, reasoning, and will.

Unconscious: the act of not knowing, sleeping, without human intention or will, involuntary, natural, and intrinsic.

Subconscious: the combination of both conscious and unconscious information that has mentally programmed our mind. This mental programming impacts our behaviors and ability to thrive.
The subconscious mind is a lot like a subway train that drives back and forth between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind gathering information. This vital information is stored to be utilized when needed to survive or thrive. The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of our mental programs. It is the recorder that has diligently gathering information from the time we were born until now. It is our automatic response system, and it dictates the results we see in our life. If you’re not happy with the results, it is necessary to change the subconscious program through repetition.

-Article written by Alia Yasmin Khan (founder)

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